The university wordmark is the largest element with the college, department, or unit name placed below to clearly communicate that it is an entity within Iowa State University and derives its value from this association.

When the wordmark needs to represent multiple colleges/departments/units, for print and digital publications, the colleges/departments/units should appear stacked with consistent font styles. This treatment is not available for employee apparel.

Wordmark suites are available for colleges, departments and units. These suites include all approved orientations (primary/secondary) and variations (colors, registration/trademark) of the wordmark. For your convenience, a suite of wordmarks for all colleges are available for download on CyPoint. Department and unit wordmark suites can be developed for your marketing needs for $261 by contacting Pam Gillaspey with PUSH Branding,

 (Please note, wordmarks for download are vector PDFs appropriate for all digital and print uses. If a reverse version is desired, please change spot color to white.)


College Wordmark Suites