Interoffice Memo

To present a unified appearance on all stationery items, the interoffice form follows a format similar to the other stationery items. The wordmark is placed in the upper left, with the department, college, or unit name and address information, set in Berkeley Oldstyle, placed on the right side in the same location as the letterhead. The use of the official name wordmark with “Science and Technology” below the wordmark is optional.
The top of the wordmark is .75″ from the top and 1″ from the left edge. The address block is set flush left and placed .75″ from the top and 1″ from the right edge. The words Interoffice Communication are set in 12 point Univers black. The distance between the top of the I in Interoffice and the bottom of the nameplate or modifier is 1″. Interoffice Communication stationery must be ordered from Printing Services. Please note, the layout has been updated to reflect the new campus addressing, which will be shown later in January.