Table Drape and Runner

Table drape and runner templates promote the university and your unit in a consistent, professional manner. As you exhibit on and off campus, it’s important that your audiences see you as an important unit of the university. Drapes and runners are available in two different styles, sewn-on applique (preferred) or dye sublimation. Below are licensed vendors who have the correct materials, templates, and text colors for 6 ft. and 8 ft. table drapes as well as 5 ft. runners. Sample drapes and runners with both styles of sewn-on applique and dye sublimation are below.
Sewn-on Applique
Dye Sublimation
Below are licensed vendors who have the correct material, templates, and text colors for 6 ft. and 8 ft. tables.
- Glendandy (Ames): Glenda Stormes-Bice,, 515-292-8524
- Sewn-on Applique
- Dye Sublimation
- Primary Source (Des Moines): Mary Anne,, 515-727-8774
- Sewn-on Applique
- Dye Sublimation
- Sign Pro (Ames): Stephanie Nigh,, 515-232-4500
- Dye Sublimation
- 4imprint (Online): Matt Dahm,, 1-866-624-3694
- Dye Sublimation
- Go Big Promotions & Apparel (Des Moines): Beth Goedken,, 515-270-8282
- Dye Sublimation
- Sigler (Ames): Customer Service,, 515-663-6507
- Dye Sublimation
- Magellan Promotions (Online OR West Allis, WI): Cassi Dreyer,, 414-831-0184 *208
- Dye Sublimation
If you are a licensed vendor and would like access to the templates, please contact the Trademark Licensing Office,